How to Escape from Time-wasting Metrix | Tawheed Shafi

Escaping from Time-wasting Metrix

You will be knowing the potential within you & do more things in less time by prioritising Time.

3-day refund policy

Your time is Shrinking


What You Learn


Hidden Push within you

How motivation really works?​ And Minimize Interruptions in Time management.​


The Technique

How to delegate and outsource tasks​ and How to integrate Eisenhower Metrix in your profession.


How to beat Procrastination and make 10x growth.​

Brain Damage

The brain killers that were damaging your good habits. You will know how to beat them.



By mastering time management, you gain control over your schedule, reducing stress and increasing success.


how the 80-20 rule will help you to introduce the new version of yourself & other things.

Workshop Benefits


⏱️ Enhanced Efficiency:

Discover time-saving hacks and techniques to turbocharge your productivity and get more done in less time so that you will be more happy!

🎯 Customized Solutions:

Receive personalized strategies tailored to your unique needs and challenges, ensuring practical solutions that work specifically for you!

🌐 Accessibility:

Break down geographical barriers and join the workshop from anywhere in the world, opening up opportunities for learning and growth.

Long-term Sustainability:

Acquire sustainable strategies and habits that promote long-term success and well-being, ensuring that you continue to workshop & get valuable content.

Why Our Workshop?


Research: After researching Tuns of Things on time management what actively and exactly works for Managing your Time? Including

paid courses on this.


Study: We studied books, techniques, strategies, frameworks, AI tools and

Approaches of Successful People in

time management and what works.

Who can Enroll

This workshop is for if😁
  • You Procrastinate to do things that matter most.
  • You have no control over Bad habits.
  • You are Unable to get more things in less time.
  • You’re not able to schedule your day.
  • You are not giving Time to any of them: enjoying, work, family, friends & itself.
This workshop is not for if😭
  • You do not Procrastinate to do things that matter most.
  • You have control over Bad habits.
  • You are able to get more things in less time.
  • You’re able to schedule your day.
  • You are giving Time to any of them: enjoying, work, friends, family & itself.

Frequently Asked Questions

ETM "Escaping from Time-wasting Metrix" is a course on time management. If you dream it ETM can do it to help you to escape the time-wasting matrix. Yes! it can be possible.

YES!  Within 5 days, there is no ask question money back guarantee if you didn’t like the course.

It is very much important because 82% of the world's population is procrastinating to do things. Only 18% of people manage their time effectively.